I am trying to save a laserfiche attachment from outlook back into the same repository on Laserfiche (different folder location) as a shortcut to the original document (still keeping the same metadata assigned by the creator of the document). Is that possible?
Saving Email Attachments as Shortcuts
The only way I've found to do this is by using the attachment to find the path to the original document, copy the original document, then paste a shortcut where you need it. I've illustrated below how to do this:
1) Once you've opened the attachment, go to "File > Properties"
2) At the top of the "Properties" dialogue, copy the entire path to the document:
3) Then open the LF Client and paste the path into the "Location" bar (**Remove the document name from the end**)
4) Then, you should be directed to the folder containing the original document. Find the document by name, right-click the document, and choose "Copy"
5) Navigate to the folder where you want the shortcut, right-click in the contents area, and choose "Paste Shortcut"
That should do the trick!