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Cookies are not enabled for this website. Cookies must be enabled in order to sign in to Weblink 9

asked on October 1, 2019 Show version history

We are getting the message "Cookies are not enabled for this website. Cookies must be enabled in order to sign in to Weblink 9".  I have read in other posts that the parameter &cr=1 in the link is the reason for this message. 

I have pasted a link manually and watched the parameter &cr=1 get added to the link and display the message. 

If I were to paste "" into the browser it would become "".

How do I stop WebLink from appending the &cr=1 parameter? 

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replied on October 10, 2019

hi Mike Janis , I have the same problem in weblink 10, is there any way to avoid this?



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replied on October 30, 2019

We are also having this issue and our users are not happy. :-( Can't seem to find a fix or workaround.

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replied on December 9, 2019

If the issue is avoiding sharing links with &cr=1 appended you can use the 'Share Link' feature available through the folder browser. Right click on an entry and 'Share Link' should be an option in 10.1 update 1.

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replied on February 18, 2020

I'm having the same issue - WebAccess is at 10.4 and I'm not seeing the Share link option.

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replied on June 17, 2021

We just had a customer report this problem to. Every workstation can't connect now because you can't enable cookies if they are already enabled.

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replied on June 17, 2021

Found the solution on answers. The problem is when visiting the site, cr=1 is appended to the URL and if anyone shares a link to the website by copying it from the address bar it will tell the system to throw this error. It does not happen with Web Access so there must be a way to fix it.

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