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Changing path for "C:\ProgramData\Laserfiche" to another drive

asked on July 12, 2018


Some customer IT does request that every application "and it's associated DATA" get installed to another drive than "C:\"

Most of the LF modules does allow installing onto another drive and I've also created support cases related to some modules that were still dropping files onto Drive C.

Other than the installation files, there are also log files, temporary cache files, licence files, etc... that are getting in the following location "C:\ProgramData\Laserfiche" and I'm wondering if there is a setting available for every Laserfiche module to route them to another drive location.

If a setting do exist, can this be provided here (for every LF modules that uses that "ProgramData" location) 

f not, can this be added as an option in each LF Module Setup?

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replied on July 12, 2018 Show version history

The most straightforward way to do this is with a symbolic link that points c:\ProgramData\Laserfiche to another drive, e.g. 

mklink /d c:\ProgramData\Laserfiche s:\Laserfiche

The LF web client can be configured to store temp/cache/log files in alternate locations but it is not documented and the behavior is subject to change. 

Edit: the web client (and probably others) uses the Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData environment variable (it's not hard coded to c:\ProgramData), which you should be able to modify.

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