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change information in Form after process started

asked on June 27, 2018 Show version history

We have the latest version of Forms. We have a Business Process that was created for the first version of Forms. The Contract Management Business Process still works, however, there is one problem.  

If during the routing process, something is wrong on the form, how can the submitter make a correction?  I looked through the Help section and couldn't find anything.  I am an Admin on our system and I could not change the Form in the Monitor tab. 

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replied on June 27, 2018

The process must have a step for an approver to "Return to submitter", there is no way for someone who submitted a form to reclaim that submission. 

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replied on June 28, 2018

So once it has "returned to submitter", we should be able to change the information in the Form?  We have a "back to submitter for additional info".  However, we have 3 approvers that the contract is routed to and 2 can approve and 1 of those could have a "back to submitter for additional info".  could that affect being able to make changes?  the attachment is only part of our business process.

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replied on June 28, 2018

I would incorporate signal events in to you solution with the general idea being expressed in these two posts:


You could have parallel approval tasks that use a parallel gateway to merge them after the fact. If any of them return to sender, throw a signal event to cancel the other two. 

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