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weblink The system has encountered an error and could not complete your request.

asked on May 29, 2018

Hello, I am getting this error when trying to view a document from a retreival only user on a document that is a shortcut in Laserfiche WebLink Version: 9 Update 2 (


What is the best way to troubleshoot this ? I am looking in the IIS web logs, but I dont see any messages. I also checked Event Viewer, but not sure where to look.  Any input is appreciated


thanks !

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replied on May 29, 2018

Go to Event Viewer > Applications and Services Logs >Laserfiche and go through relevant products like ContentRepository.

If you don't see any useful error logs, here's a few more points and questions you might want to answer before opening a support case:

  1. Does the error occur for other shortcuts, or only this particular one?
  2. Can the error be reproduced from other laptops / computers?
  3. Can you access the shortcuts with full named users?
  4. Check the security rights for both the shortcut itself and the original location of the shortcut (where the shortcut is pointing to). 
  5. Check that all the services are running properly.

I would suspect it has something to do with the security settings for that user / entry access rights of the folders. Try reading the thread below. Basically, check to see if that read only user belongs to a group that doesn't have the browse/view security rights.



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replied on May 30, 2018

Thank you, this is great information, I'll check if security is the issue. I am thrown off by the error message, I would have assumed if it was security related I would get an access denied type message. But I also know not to presume these types of things :)

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replied on November 13, 2019

Hello Ryan,

I am having this issue now and as a work-around have created actual copies of the documents and placed them in the Weblink folders so our Public can access them.  Those will open.  The shortcuts will not.  I know it defeats the purpose of the shortcut and means there is a second copy of the document in Laserfiche, but we need to have them available on our website.  I have created a small Workflow that adds a (w) to the end of the name of each copy, so that in the event  the shortcut situation is resolved, I can delete the (w) copies and create shortcuts in those folders.

Look forward to hearing if there are any new developments.



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