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Multiple "Other" choice check boxes???

asked on March 23, 2018

I am trying to duplicate this (see snippet) and add to a HR Personnel Action Form.  Any suggestions on how to do so?  My first thought was multiple "other" choice check boxes, but I have no idea how to set this up, and thought someone may even have a better idea.  If multiple "other" choices is the best option, please explain how to do so.  Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.




PAF.PNG (8.34 KB)
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replied on March 23, 2018

I would suspect that the most straight-forward way of doing it would be a checkbox field with all the options and additional text fields for each check option that needs additional input.  The text fields can be controlled with field rules to only show if the matching box is checked.


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replied on March 26, 2018

Thanks Jennifer!  I like your idea and appreciate your input.

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replied on March 23, 2018

You might take a look at creating a custom html table.   I answered a similar question about creating a 'For Office Use Only' type of box.    Might be what you need.   Neat and compact  but a bit more work to implement.

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replied on March 26, 2018

Thanks Andrew!  I may jump on this and try to put into a html table.  Thanks for the idea with the included link because I wouldn't have known were to start.

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