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Error reading file ; code 6408

asked on October 20, 2017 Show version history

I am experiencing error message below when I try OCR the PDF file

The steps are:

  1. I upload a pdf file (my passport copy - 1 page) which has signature
  2. I expect the pdf file should convert to TIFF file format and create OCR text however I get errors below

Any idea why such error occurred ?

FYI, other pdf files are OK however a pdf file which has signature is creating the problem so far I found from the testing.

Refer the attachments of error message and configuration settings



general.jpg (33.82 KB)
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replied on February 27, 2024

Had this issue today and it was fixed with repairing the OCR installation on the user's computer. Hope this helps someone!

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replied on October 30, 2017


Can someone help me on this , as we stuck to this more than 10 days and this issue blocking us from going live.


Pls. refer the link that I logged today with error message from the tracing




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replied on November 17, 2017

I'm having the same problem with certain files.


Elisa Caldwell

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replied on November 9, 2021

Curious about this as well. We've had Laserfiche for a long time and I haven't encountered before. 

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