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disable the "Don't Ask me Again"

asked on June 6, 2017

Hi All, 


I know this was mentioned in a previous Thread here:


Was just wondering if this is now available? We would like to disable this option across all prompts for the Laserfiche users so that they will have to action as required. 



Reason being, the users are at times selecting "Do not ask me again" but then requiring the option to be available as they may have set the wrong selection within the prompts. 


Even if it is somewhere in Registries etc, would i be able to obtain this information? 


Please advise? 

Thank you


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replied on June 12, 2017

Hi All, 


Any ideas or feedback from this would be appreciated,




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replied on June 14, 2017

Hi All, 


Would really like a response on this if possible? 




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replied on June 21, 2017

Hi Team, 


Please review this and advise if possible? 



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replied on June 22, 2017

This is not currently possible. If a user chooses the wrong option, they can go to Tools->Options->Reset->Prompts and use the "Reset" button to restore these dialogs.

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replied on June 22, 2017

Thanks Robert, I know it was added as a feature request some time now, do you know if this will be available in the next version? Or in the pipeline? 



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replied on June 25, 2017

Hi Robert, 


Any feedback would be kindly appreciated regarding this feature being available? 



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replied on January 19, 2021

Hello this is an issue for many of our customers, we need more tools for managing user profile attributes and control over granular settings like this.


Many customers want the users to be prompted before a deletion for example but the fact you can't is problematic. 


Other clients want to have other configurations pushed via groups but there is no way to centrally manage it.

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