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Weblink and Windows 10 X64

asked on June 5, 2017

Hi All,


I'm trying to setup weblink on our new demo machine but getting the following error.



Is there a setting I can change that will allow weblink to install on windows 10 x64?



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replied on June 5, 2017

Looks like you're running into the IIS version detection issue described in KB 1013672.

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replied on June 5, 2017

Thanks Miruna, that's the nail on the head. Whilst we are here, don't suppose you know off the top of your head how to transport web link configuration from 1 machine to another?



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replied on June 5, 2017

I think you still have to recreate the virtual directories if you have customer ones.  Some of the settings can be moved through the WebLink Settings Bundler.

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replied on June 6, 2017

Awesome, thanks Miruna!

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