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Change Laserfiche Snapshot File Format for All Users

asked on May 4, 2017

Is it possible to change the default file format and resolution that Laserfiche Snapshot saves as from TIFF to JPG for all users using some sort of group policy or registry edit?

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replied on May 8, 2017

Hi Greg,

You can set the Snapshot quality settings in the registry under HKCU->Printers->DevModePerUser and DevModes2.

In there there is a Laserfiche Snapshot key that holds the output file format.

What we do is set it in one PC manually and then deploy that key to all users.

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replied on May 11, 2017

I don't see a specific registry entry for just the file format.  I don't want every Snapshot setting to be replicated, just the file format.

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replied on May 12, 2017

The normal snapshot settings are under HKCU\Laserfiche\Software\SnapshotX

The settings under the printer reg key are only for printing preferences. As below

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replied on May 12, 2017

So I guess I'm back to asking: Is there a way to change just the file format and resolution setting for all users in Laserfiche Snapshot?  We're preparing to deploy RIO 10.2.  Maybe something in the install/upgrade process?

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