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PDF Field Name different in PDF vs Workflow Designer

asked on January 5, 2017 Show version history

I have a PDF with a field named "EMT 1".  In Workflow Designer, I've added the form but it reads the field as simply "EMT".  I found this post that pointed out that WF Designer may be reading the Tooltip as the Field Name.  However, I've checked the Tooltip and it reads "EMT #_1".  

Has anyone else run into this issue of WF Designer bringing in a different field name than what is on the PDF?  I've attached the PDF in question as well as screenshots of what the field's properties are in the PDF and WF Designer.

Thanks for any help!

EDIT: I'm on Workflow

Newport Beach PDF Field.png
Newport Beach WF Designer Fields.png
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replied on January 5, 2017

Hi Shelby,


I've had similar issues.  Having the name and the Tooltip the same name has worked for me.  I think that workflow tries to use the Tooltip name first.  In your case, workflow might have not liked the '#' and just appeared as EMT.


~Dylan Mathiesen

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replied on January 5, 2017

Thanks Dylan.  That was it!

I changed the name of the tooltip and it read it just fine.

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