I am getting an error when trying to have snapshot print directly to the printer instead of going though the spooler(testing a solution provided by LF on my VARkit). The error is "Printer settings could not be saved. Operation could not be completed. (error 0x0000070c)" Has anyone else run into the same issue before? What was your solution? I seem to be encountering this issue on multiple computers. I am currently using LF 9.2.1 with windows 7, but a similar issue has occurred on a windows 10 computer with LF 10.
That's a windows message. Make sure you have the proper rights to the printer settings:
1. Log in using administrative rights;
2. Go to the desired printer;
3. Security settings tab : everyone (try giving FULL rights to the everyone group).
Ok, I have just tried this. I made sure if saved the permissions, then I tried making the change again. I received the same error. I am logged in as a local admin. I also have tried the same on another windows 7 computer on another domain and receive the same error. Would this be considered an issue windows has with snapshot, or a snapshot issue itself?
It would an issue with windows
Are you able to reproduce the same issue on your end?
Have you tried the workaround specified in this kb:
If you're getting the "printer settings could not be saved the specified datatype is invalid" error in 2023, that linked KB article is still current. I was able to change the spooler settings following the kb as below:
1. clear 'Enable advanced printing features'
2. apply
3. recheck 'Enable advanced printing features'
4. apply
5. set the print to direct rather than spool.
6. apply