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Export all Data Files

asked on October 24, 2016

How are raw data files exported from Laserfiche?  We need to export a large amount of our client data (word, excel, pdf)  to another system.  I don't see anywhere in the folder structure of the server where the data is located so i'm assuming it's part of the database and I need to extract it out for a good amount of clients.

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replied on October 24, 2016

Right click on folder and downlaod contents.

or file- > download - > folder contents. 

In 9.2 it might say export but i am not sure. 

You can also use sdk to export .

Also all your files are in the windows folder structure not in the database. only renamed

please take a look at this for more information.

please let me know if i was able to answer your question.


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replied on October 24, 2016

If it helps, we are on version 9.2.1 Service Pack 1 (

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