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what the best regular expression testing site for Quick Fields

asked on September 7, 2016 Show version history

I use and its great. The only issue is that I test patterns here and then they don't behave the same way in QF. It usual has to do with the way new lines are handled.  

Here is my example. 


Looks great here but when I test in QF it still captures that random f above the line I actually want. I tried adding a \r,\n,\S and I can't get it to not capture that f so if there is a site that will behave more like how QF behaves. Thanks. 

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replied on September 7, 2016 Show version history

The difference is likely single line vs. multi-line mode. RegEx101 defaults to multi-line mode, but Quick Fields will use single line mode (note that prior to Quick Fields 10, the test mode was using multi-line).

Fortunately, enabling single line mode is an option on most Regex sites, including RegEx101:

In this case, you just add an s to the box to the right of your regular expression.

Tessa offered recommendations here and here for how to match what you need given that Quick Fields uses single line mode.

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