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Date saved from form behind by one day

asked on June 14, 2016 Show version history

I'm experiencing an issue with dates filled in from a form, then saving the form and related field values in my repository.


For example, I filled in start date on the form as 6/22/2016 and end date of 6/25/2016. However, the saved document in my repository shows values of 6/21/2016 and 6/24/2016.

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replied on June 15, 2016 Show version history

For Forms time zones, do you refer to the time zone of the Forms server machine or the Time zone for the process on Publishing Options page? Can you clarify that? We need to know both the process time zone and Forms server machine time zone.

Is there always one day shift for the date value or you only ran into it occasionally?Can you check whether the issue will go if you restart Laserfiche Forms Routing Service or restart the Forms server machine.

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replied on June 14, 2016

Are the time/date settings on your laserfiche server and forms server set the same?

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replied on June 14, 2016 Show version history

The date saved to repository from Forms follows the process time zone and Laserfiche Client display what ever value saved to database . Please let us know what version of Forms you are using and what the user's time zone from account page.

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replied on June 15, 2016

Laserfiche Client, user time zone, and Forms time zones are set to UTC-6 Central Time.


Using Forms Version

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replied on June 15, 2016 Show version history

For Forms time zones, do you refer to the time zone of the Forms server machine or the Time zone for the process on Publishing Options page? Can you clarify that? We need to know both the process time zone and Forms server machine time zone.

Is there always one day shift for the date value or you only ran into it occasionally?Can you check whether the issue will go if you restart Laserfiche Forms Routing Service or restart the Forms server machine.

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replied on June 16, 2016

The time zone on the process Publishing Options screen did not match, so I set it to UTC-6 then tried again. My issue is resolved.

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replied on October 5, 2016

I am not clear on this. The user is entering a manual date (not a system date). The date is changed to 1 day prior after it is assigned to a template field. In my case both the Forms Config and the Form Publishing options are set to Pacific Time.

The value that shows up in the date field is not the same date that is in the variable we are assigning.

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replied on October 6, 2016

What date did user enter?

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replied on October 6, 2016

10/28 becomes 10/27. Any date selected becomes the day previous when applying to a template using a save to repository task. The time zone is pacific for both the forms global config and in the publishing options for the form. The server timezone is central. Regardless though, the date selected by the user is changing to a different day, nothing to do with time.

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replied on October 8, 2016

It was affected by the server time zone, you can change the server machine's time zone to pacific time now as workaround, we will fix the issue in next release.

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replied on January 12, 2017

The issue that the date value is affected by Forms Server machine's time zone has been fixed with Forms 10.2.

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replied on May 26, 2019

Hello, I have a simiar issue.

When I add a document in the repositosity, I assign a template with a review date. After I select the review date (example: 25/05/2020) the one that appears in +1 day (26/05/2020).

The time zone in LF Forms configuration is UTC+12, the one in the Process option in LF Forms is UTC +12.

How can I check the one for Laserfiche sever ? Is there another location where I should check the time zone ?

Thanks for your help

Time zone - LF Forms configuration.PNG
Time Zone - LF Forms.PNG
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replied on May 26, 2019

What version of Forms are you using? Can you login the Forms Sever machine and check the time zone from Windows Date&time to see whether it match the Process time zone?

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replied on May 27, 2019

Hello, I am using Laserfiche Forms Professional Version

The IT team has checked the Form Sever Machine and it is on UTC+12 time zone, so same that on LF Form and Form configuration.

In the previous replies fro this post, people mentioned the Publishing options page. Is that the same than the Process option in the settings of a process in LF Forms ?

Is there a way to check the time zone in LF repository ?

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replied on May 27, 2019 Show version history

The publishing options page is the same as the process options page.  For LF repository time zone, it follows the Windows Date&time time zone on the machine you access the repository. 

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replied on May 27, 2019

Ok. All our machines are on UTC+12 as well. 

Any other idea where this issue could come from ?

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replied on June 9, 2019

Hello, little update on my issue.

The date changed when I am working on LF repository on line, but not from the deskop one.

Could it help to suggest some investigations ? 

Thanks !


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