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Find Entry did not find the entry

asked on June 2, 2016

I have a workflow that is to create a shortcut in a Roll Number folder if a roll number is entered in the Roll Number field.  There is a conditional activity to tell it NOT to create the shortcut if there is one already there.  This is not working.  Could you help me troubleshoot?  (Note:  I believe the path in the programming is correct, because it's placing the shortcuts in the right folder and it's the same path that is used in the programming where I'm telling it to look for any shortcuts already there.)

Target folder results:

What the WF was looking for:

How it was programmed to find that entry name:

Thx, Connie Prendergast, Flagstaff County, AB  Canada





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replied on June 2, 2016



Where you have it set to find the entry at location, you don't need to put the entry name at the end.  In effect, it is looking for the document at the document name instead of the folder location.  So, you just need to take the "\%(EntryName)" off the end of the path.

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replied on June 2, 2016

Rick, I need it to match exactly.  There are likely other documents/shortcuts in the target folder.  I want a shortcut to the Starting Entry in this target folder only if there isn't already a matching name in there.  How do I do that without telling it what to look for?

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replied on June 3, 2016 Show version history

It looks like you are using a "move entry" activity.  If you use the "Route Entry To Folder" activity instead, you can set a condition to check before creating the shortcut.  But I didn't even think of what Miruna said, if the inherited rights aren't correct you won't see it anyway.  Better yet, you could wrap the move entry in a sequence activity, so it would check for the name, and only move it if the name does not reside there.

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replied on June 2, 2016

Have you tried logging into the Client as the user specified in the Workflow connection profile? That user might not have rights to see the shortcuts in that folder.

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replied on June 2, 2016

I just checked and Workflow wasn't specifically given rights to those folders.  I've added Workflow now, but I'm thinking that isn't the issue as it has been allowed to add shortcuts to those folders and has done so many times.  I'll check again tomorrow to see if the change has helped.  Thx.

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replied on June 2, 2016

It could be. If the inherited rights allow it to create shortcuts but not see anything in the folder, that would cause the behavior you're seeing since the server would check security on Find Entry.

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replied on June 3, 2016

Okay, working on this again this morning.  Results:

Miruna, adding Workflow to the folders did not change the results.  The WF did not find the entry.

Rick, I'm working on changing the activity to a Route from a Move activity, but cannot see where that activity allows me to tell it to not create the activity if there's one already there.  Can you elaborate on how that is done using that activity?

So, still have the problem of it not finding the entry, even though one is clearly there.  I keep thinking it's because it's a shortcut, but the activity ... oh!  Okay maybe it's BECAUSE I have not checked off the "If entry is a shortcut, use the document or folder that it references".  I keep thinking I don't want it to find an entry, I want it looking for a shortcut so I did not put a check mark in here.  Will try this next.

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replied on June 3, 2016

Hope that does the trick for you, Connie.  By the way, you asked about how to tell it not to create the activity if one is not already there...In the Route Entry To Folder activity, highlight it then look at the right column and click under where it says "Wait Conditions".  You can click the text in the box that pops up that says "No condition set Click here to create one" and you can set the target folder to look for an entry with that name.  You can do the same thing with a conditional sequence as well.

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replied on June 3, 2016

This is not going to work. The shortcut will always be created first. Then the wait condition is going to be checked.

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replied on June 3, 2016

Ok, I found a way.  You use a find entry for the entry itself at the location, then a sequence activity to check if the entry was found before using a move entry.  Here is the diagram:

Here is the condition you set in the sequence activity:

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replied on June 3, 2016

The find entry activity right before it for you would be set to look at the same location you're already using, you just need to wrap the route entry or move entry INSIDE the sequence activity.  I've tried this, and it is working.  This way the condition is checked beforehand.

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replied on June 9, 2016

Okay, sorry, I was away for a few days, but back now. 

Rick, I'm looking at your Find Entry sequence.  I'm already using a find entry before the Route activity and I don't understand what the second Find Entry (2) is doing.  Here's what my WF looks like now and still getting duplicate shortcuts:

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replied on June 9, 2016

Okay, so I've been playing with the Wait Conditions within the Route to Folder and here's what I'm getting:

The first thing I noticed was that it now only creates a shortcut on the one new roll number added.  Previously, it was creating a shortcut for each roll number (multi-value field) but changing to this Routing to Folder activity seems to have stopped that part, which is good.  But it still created the one shortcut even though there was one there already.  And now all three test runs are ...waiting...

replied on June 9, 2016

Ultimately, my Find Entry is not finding what it is being told to find.  That is my problem. 

Comparing the address of the Find Entry and the address of the Route Entry should help me to troubleshoot, but I'm just not seeing it.

Find Entry Address:  \- ADMINISTRATION\County Land Files\Roll Files\Rolls %(TokenCalculator_Low Range#"d8"#) to %(TokenCalculator_High Range#"D8"#)\Roll #%(ForEachValue_Current Value#"D8"#)\%(Entry Name)

Route Entry Address:  \- ADMINISTRATION\County Land Files\Roll Files\Rolls %(TokenCalculator_Low Range#"D8"#) to %(TokenCalculator_High Range#"D8"#)\Roll #%(ForEachValue_Current Value#"D8"#)



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replied on June 9, 2016

Ah ha!  Rebuilding the Find Entry worked!  There was something glitching with that Find Entry, that's all it was!  It's working now!  Thanks Rick and Miruna!

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