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Is this reasonable when the database file of repository (.mdf) is very much larger than repository location which has the volumes?

asked on May 26, 2016

Is this normal situation?

I 'm working on Laserfiche Rio 9.2 and have a database file of repository named "CSHRepository.mdf", size about 900 GB.

But the repository location which has volumes has size about 90 GB.

I noticed the database file grows up so fast. What happened?

This repository keeps about 700,000 image files and each file size about 30-60 KB.


Something wrong? Any suggestion?



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replied on May 26, 2016

It's not impossible, depending on how much metadata and annotations you might have. It is also possible that it expanded as needed in the past (possibly during a search that returned a lot of results) and it is now actually mostly empty. SQL does not automatically release free space. But it is unusual.

I would suggest looking at it in more detail in SQL Management Studio. If you look at the database properties, the General tab will tell you how much space is actually free ("Size" is the size on disk, "space available" is the free space within that total size). You can shrink and reclaim some of the space.

You could also generate a report for disk usage by table from SQL Management Studio, which would give us a better idea of where the space is used and whether it's normal or not.

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replied on May 28, 2016 Show version history

Hi Miruna,

      As your mention,the disk is now empty then I just can get image of the disk usage by table report.

I noticed that all of table named searchresultX have a bunch of records. How can I decrease the size of database without any side-effect to  all data of the repository.

Appreciate your help.

Now I can get the Disk Usage by table file as attached file.

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replied on May 31, 2016

Looks like your users are running very broad searches that return lots of hits. Audit Trail might give you more indication on who and what searches are sent to the Laserfiche Server (if you had it set up log searches).

The tables are cleared out as the user moves on from looking at search results.

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replied on May 31, 2016

Thank you for your suggestion. Now I had done 'shrink database' and found that the database file get much smaller and it seems that the situation returned to normal.

Currently, the database fie size is about 59 GB.


And we have found the workflow which causes this problem. It' s about using 'Search repository' Activity in that workflow which has to do with a bunch of files in the repository.

I assume that editing this workflow should solve all Issues.

Appreciate your help!

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