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Can you increase the height of a text field?

asked on May 18, 2016

Is it possible to increase the height of a text field? It can be hard to use them when there is a lot of text input into the field and you can only see 3 lines at a time.


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replied on May 18, 2016

At this time there is no way to increase the height of a field in the Laserfiche Client. I'll file an enhancement request in our issue tracker.

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replied on October 10, 2018

Hi all!


@████████, do you have some news about the way to increase the height of a field in the Laserfiche Client?


Thank you in advance.


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replied on May 18, 2016

Make it multi line

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replied on May 18, 2016

you can change it in the multi line field settings  

Example.png (23.21 KB)
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