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Look up table, disable data when using repeating collection

asked on May 12, 2016 Show version history

Is there a way to disable repeating data when using the repeating collection option?  i.e. I want to clear the fields from the original lookup fields when using the repeating collection.


When clicking on Add, I would like the new fields to be blank instead of carrying over data from the original lookup fields.

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replied on May 12, 2016

Hi Tommy,

In your lookup rules configuration, do you have "as new sets" checked for the Fill rules? If you check those you should get the behavior you're looking for.

Hope this helps!

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replied on May 12, 2016

Thanks for the suggestion James, does this apply to version 9.1 or only to 10?

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replied on May 12, 2016

This applies only to version 10.0+: Forms 10 introduced the ability to have lookup rules insert new rows/sets which is why the above suggestion would not work in previous versions.

If you notice the way variables are stored in for example 9.1, there is no grouping of the variables of elements inside a collection the way that there is in Forms 10. (You'd be setting up a rule for MyVariable instead of for MyCollection.MyVariable.) Out of the box I don't know if there is actually a way to get what you're looking for in that version. Someone else can correct me here if I missed something.

There might be a way to get what you're looking for using JavaScript, to set the value of new fields as they are dynamically added. You would need to look at MutationObserver to get this to work, and note that this would only work for more "modern" browsers.

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