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Printing Text-only docs from Weblink

asked on May 10, 2016 Show version history


I'm wondering nearly the same as this question from a few years ago: .

One of our repositories, a fairly large repository, we are migrating to Rio licensing and v9 from v7.

I have a large number of users who are read-only and will use Weblink.

Most of the documents in this repository are text-only.  (Report captures from a text printer queue.)  This gives us huge space savings over storing the images. (Storing the images is not an option.)

So... I have a large number of users who need to print text-only docs in Weblink.  (

And, it seems that doesn't work currently.  No Print (AS PDF) button at all.  And no way to download the text that I can find.

Any ideas?

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replied on May 11, 2016


See if the the following solution helps you accomplish this task:

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replied on May 11, 2016

Worked like a charm. 


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replied on April 12, 2018


Blast from a past - I didn't see this response back then but I came back since the issue has popped back up for us.


The button appears, but this seems to only print the current page of the TXT and not the whole text doc.  Is this the expected behavior?





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replied on April 24, 2018


 The script will print all the pages in the document that have text in Weblink 9.x




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replied on May 11, 2016 Show version history

Hi michael

Currently, there is no way to  print text only files in web link. You could always download the text only file and then print it (see screenshot).


but if you really need to print directly we can help you with a custom solution that could do the job as well. 

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replied on May 11, 2016

Thanks Junaid, but I can't...  

You see, these imports come in as Laserfiche docs with text only - no document images and no e-doc attached.

So, we're in a sort of limbo.

I can't print, and I can't download.  (browser print doesn't look so nice here, either.)


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