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One Lookup Rule and Two Tables

asked on May 2, 2016

If I have a form that has two tables and then create a Lookup Rule that says when the first and last name match, fill in these fields as new rows, and have fields from both tables, will it insert the data into the two tables so they match? In other words, if it retrieves 3 records from the lookup, will it insert in row 1 of table 1 and row 1 for table 2 the values for record 1, and in row 2 of table 1 and row 2 of table 2 insert the values for record 2?

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replied on May 11, 2016 Show version history

Hi Blake,

Is the attached image the sort of lookup rule you are talking about?

You might have more "When" conditions configured, but then you are using multiple "Fill" statements to populate columns across multiple tables? If so then yes, with the above configuration I was able to have corresponding rows match in the different tables "Table" and "Table 2".

Am I understanding correctly? Hope this helps.

EDIT: embedding the image in the post causes resolution downgrade which makes it hard to read, so I uploaded as an attachment instead.

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replied on May 11, 2016

That is exactly what I was referring to. I will give it a try. Thanks!

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replied on June 8, 2016

Once I change the single line fields to a table, lookup filled in the data.

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replied on June 8, 2016

Hi Cedric,

This is behavior working as expected. When a field in a table is used as the "match field" (the field in the When criterion) then the lookup rule will only work for fields in a table. If the table is the same, it will populate fields in other columns in the same row. If the table is a different table, it will populate the specified column for the corresponding row.

If you are using a table that is fixed at one row for purely layout purposes, I would recommend instead using individual fields and using CSS to style the layout (for example using "display: inline-block" to allow them to reside on the same horizontal level).

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replied on June 8, 2016

My matter is similar, "table" row value does not trigger lookup #2 once populated. Lookup rule #2 looks for value from field in "table" to lookup and fill single-line fields.



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