I'm trying to build a process to update a table based on input into a form, and then use that information later in the table.
Here's an outline:
$(document).ready(function() { var id = $.now(); //alert(id); $('#q1 input').val(id); $('#q1 input').trigger('change'); $('a#q7').click(function() { $('.groupsEntered input').on('change', function() { var group = $(this).val(); $('#q3 input').val(group); $('#q3 input').trigger('change'); }); }); $('.groupsEntered input').on('change', function() { var group = $(this).val(); $('#q3 input').val(group); $('#q3 input').trigger('change'); }); });
Stored Procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UserGroupGuid2] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @group varchar(50), @id bigint AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here INSERT INTO [ExternalTables].[dbo].[GroupAssignment] ([formid], [Group], [User]) VALUES (@id, @group, 1) END
Lookup Rules:
- The stored procedure appears to only be running on the first "Change" Event in the 'groupinsert' field.
- The Stored Procedure is passing an empty value into the Group Column (varchar(50)).
- The Stored Procedure is passing a '0' instead of the $.now(); value from the 'formid' field.
Ideally I should type 'Test 1' into the 'groupinsert' field and the stored procedure should insert 'Test 1' into 'Group', '1' into 'User', and '%(formid)' into 'formid' in the SQL table.
Note that the '1' in 'User' is temporary. I'm using it as a control so I can use javascript to click the autofill button and update the dropdown lists in the Users table. The lookup in the Users table is working, so I left specific information about that lookup out of this outline.
Thanks in advance!