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How to bypass the required fields while clicking on "Save as Draft" button?

asked on April 8, 2016 Show version history



When clicking Save as Draft" button it must bypass the required fields but Now It does not allow me to save the page and validate All required fields . 


How to avoid validation on "Save as Draft" button click event  ?


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replied on April 8, 2016

It should bypass required by default when you select the Save as Draft button. Do you have custom JavaScript?

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replied on April 8, 2016

I do not have any custom JavaScript for the Save as Draft button .

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replied on April 8, 2016

It looks like it's not every required field though because the first name and signature fields do not show the message. I would take a close look at the Last Name field and see what's different about it.

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replied on April 8, 2016


After clicking the Save as Draft button :




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replied on May 31, 2016

What version of Forms are you using? Can you check whether you have any hidden field with invalid default value

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