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Web Access 10 pdf Display issue Document Viewer

asked on April 6, 2016 Show version history



I have a user with no export rights using WebAccess 10.  When this account is being used to view PDF generated pages document, WebAccess is throwing an error "You do not have export right to export".  It displays it on the preview pane and when you double click from preview pane, it opens it up.

User's display viewing option is set to open in "Document Viewer"


Anyone encountered this issue?  any fixes for this?



diplay options.png
no export rights.png
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replied on April 8, 2016

This appears to be a bug; Web access attempts to export the PDF, despite setting the preferences to open in the built-in document viewer.

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replied on April 22, 2016

Hi there!


Apologizes for the late reply. I reviewed the issue, and I can reproduce it in Web Access 10.0. Fortunately, the issue is resolved in the soon to be released Web Access 10.1. Users without the Export Feature Right can open a PDF by double clicking in the contents pane if the PDF has pages.

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replied on April 27, 2016

Web Access 10.1 is now released and does include this fix. Downloading the new version should resolve the issue. 

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replied on April 29, 2016

Thank you. Yes, we noticed it was fixed in Web Access 10.1

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