Hi all
I am designing a form process that requires to escalate a form from one user to another user based on a specific day of the week and time ( every Monday 5:00pm)
Overview of the workflow :
A submitted form goes to the project manager for verification . If he verifies, it goes to payroll for approval.
If the manager didn’t verify the form before Monday 5:00pm the form is escalated to payroll for further processing.
My question :
I tried with the options given in the timer event but couldn’t configure for every Monday 5:00pm.
Is it possible to do it ? If yes, please help me with this issue…
I am able to script the date based on the form submission date and time and assign it to a variable, but not sure how to use that calculated variable in the timer event.
I have attached the workflow along with this post and not sure howto attach my test form xml.