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Form Process Escalation using Intermediate Timer based on specific day of the week and time

asked on April 4, 2016

Hi all 

I am designing a form process that requires to escalate a form from one user to another user based on a specific day of the week and time ( every Monday 5:00pm) 


Overview of the workflow :

A submitted form goes to the project manager for verification . If he verifies, it goes to payroll for approval.

If the manager didn’t verify the form before Monday 5:00pm the form is escalated to payroll for further processing.


My question :

I tried with the options given in the timer event but couldn’t configure for every Monday 5:00pm.

Is it possible to do it ? If yes, please help me with this issue…


I am able to  script the date based  on the form submission date and time and assign it to a variable, but not sure how to use that calculated variable in the  timer  event.


I have attached the workflow along with this post and not sure howto attach my test form xml.



workflow.png (12.61 KB)
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replied on April 6, 2016

Hi Rajah,

I had the same need to bypass the first level approver on the start of the week.  Obviously it's easy to delay X days but I don't think the Forms process can delay until a specified date like we need.

The only solution I could come up with was to call a workflow at the same time that the first level approver task was started.  In workflow it's simple to delay to the following monday at 5pm.  Once the workflow finished it would return and the cancel the PM user task via the an event signal.

While this works it's not really clean.  There are still a number of issues that come up.  Such as the entire approval process could complete leaving the workflow delay still running and the flow open, if payroll rejects and returns to the project manager, etc.  There are solutions to all of these but it does gets messy.  I ended up just going with a hardcoded 5 day delay before escalating. 

If you do find a better solution I would be interested in what you did!


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replied on April 6, 2016

Thank you Andrew,

Thanks for spending time for me. I think your idea looks good. It gives me a good start for me.  Ill try with this idea and if i get any better ideas surely ill post it here 


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