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Business Process terminated: Gateway cannot be split to any subsequent branch

asked on April 1, 2016

My Business Process keeps terminating, with the error message indicating that the gateway cannot be split to any subsequent branch.  Am I doing something wrong?  Please see the image of my business process (Forms 10). 

It is being routed to four different user tasks in order to be assigned to different people based on the department selected on the starting form.  The process terminates after the manager approves or rejects, but it should be routed based on that action.  

Form.JPG (62.52 KB)
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replied on April 4, 2016 Show version history

Hi Deborah,

You should be able to remove most of your gateways and do the flow logic from within the tasks.   Use the outflow tab on the tasks for Approvals or Rejections.   These are under Process Variables -> Action.    

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replied on April 8, 2016

Thank you Andrew.  I removed most of the gateways and it still terminates. I wonder if I need to start over like I had to do with the form when I added an additional field to the starting form, and the variable wouldn't carry over to the subsequent forms. 

Form 2.JPG
Form.JPG (58.37 KB)
Form 2.JPG (34.32 KB)
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replied on April 11, 2016

Hi Deborah,

I don't think you need to start your flow over again.    It sounds like none of the outflow conditions you have in your gateway can be met and thus the error.

To check this, if you put a 5th path out of your gateway and mark in the Outflow configuration as "This is the default outflow path".   Then if the process is started and no other conditions are satisfied this path will be taken.   Make this 5th path send an error email to you and then end.   Probably always a good idea to have a default path marked an every gateway.

If you run your form and get the error email you know your Path Conditions are not defined right with the information the form is sending.

hope this helps

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replied on April 11, 2016

The process is flowing out of the gateway and getting assigned properly, but it is terminating after the assignee completes the user task, by selecting an action "Approve" or "Reject."  I don't get it, because I think I'm typing the conditions exactly as they appear on the action buttons.

Form 2.JPG
Form.JPG (35.49 KB)
Form 2.JPG (31.04 KB)
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