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font sizes in field label on forms...

asked on March 31, 2016 Show version history

Hi, I am fairly new at LF so forgive me if this is too elementary. When creating a form and you select a table. Is there any way to make the font smaller in the field label?



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replied on April 1, 2016

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replied on April 5, 2016

Will this not change all of he field labels though? Or is there a way to specify just the labels in a table?


Cheers! Dan.

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replied on April 1, 2016 Show version history

Hi Teri,

Out of the box this is not possible, however you can add some custom CSS in the "CSS and JavaScript" tab. You should be able to use the below to do this for table labels:

th label {
  font-size:10px !important;

You can then just change the number to make the text bigger or smaller (and you can also use pt instead of px to set the font size in "points" like in Word if you prefer)

I hope this helps!

Cheers, Dan

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