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Forms Email Task Format Checkbox Field

asked on March 22, 2016 Show version history


 Can anyone help me with some formatting on the email task in forms? I am wanting to populate a checkbox field from my form. But it lists it on the email as "checked" when the field was checked on the form. I would prefer to make this a little more user friendly as it is confusing to read in an email as

{checked} somefield

{checked} somefield 

                 somefield  and the user has to learn to see that if "checked" is missing that field wasn't checked on the form...slightly confusing in email format

Any ideas? 



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replied on March 22, 2016

Hi Megan,

There are a few ways to go about this. One is to choose the "List of all checked" token, which will provide a comma-separated list of all the checked values for that field:

You can then format the email like Checked: {/dataset/Checkbox}, where {/dataset/Checkbox} is the token list of checked values. The resulting email would look like:

Let me know if this works for you!

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replied on March 22, 2016

Oh, cool I will try this thank you!

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