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A read-only session is not permitted to perform this operation

asked on March 11, 2016 Show version history

Logged in as admin. Trying to update laserfiche group by removing a privledge right. 

Then the error "A read-only session is not permitted to perform this operation" is gets thrown.

The admin has "manage trustee" right, which gives him 'god' rights to the repository.

Not sure why I would be receiving this error.

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replied on March 11, 2016

Found the issue.

The license did not save when I created it from License Manager to the LF Server.

It set the repository into read-only mode. 

Once I copied the license again to the Server Folder, it fixed the issue.


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replied on March 11, 2016

Select the server node in the Admin Console and see if it is showing as being licensed properly.

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