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Office Document don't show dialog box after modifying and closing

asked on March 3, 2016 Show version history


When modifying a word document and closing it, Laserfiche don't show the save dialog box which contains many options, it just ask if I want to save it and  by clicking yes it overwrite it.



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replied on March 7, 2016

Hi Dory,

Per version 10, OfficeIntegration enhanced auto-check in/out document from Web Access and the behavior is by design.

If the document is not under version control and auto-checked out from web access, it is the behavior as your description. If you want to save as new version, please make the document under version control or you can save it as new version through "Save to Laserfiche" ribbon under Laserfiche .

If the document is under version control and auto-checked out from Web Access, it saves the document as new version.




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replied on March 7, 2016


My case is that I am creating the document from Laserfiche E-Forms using the update word activity in workflow and then having the document as link to webaccess in the e-form--next receiver in laserfiche e-form is required to modify the document and save it as new version. so, following the behavior you described, my case will not work.




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replied on March 7, 2016

as a workaround we will enable the "tracking version" over the folder where E-Forms is creating the document.

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replied on March 9, 2016

The options usually provided once saving a document are still showing using Web Access 10, noting that a document with 'Start tracking versions' deactivated will still show the option of 'save as a new version' once edited and saved.


Kindly advise noting video attached.




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