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Forwarding a request form to the approver and approving it from the form.

asked on February 29, 2016

I've searching the posts here and is unable to find on how to do the following below.  I'm hoping someone can share some information about it.

We want to create a request form and have the request forwarded to the creator's manager for approval.  We want the manager to be able to approve it from the form itself, without having to launch the LF client.  We know about the option to include the Approve Action button from the User Task, but for we don't see the button appear on the form.  Is there a documentation on how to do this out there that someone can share?

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replied on February 29, 2016

Yes, just make the form in the desiner.  Then in your process diagram create a User Task and have your form in it.  In the user task properties is where you put your action buttons.

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replied on March 1, 2016

Yes, that's what we did, we checked the add the Approve button action, but where do you designate where the form with the Approve button goes to?  The original form that a requestor fills out only has the Submit button.

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replied on March 21, 2016

I have the exact same problem. This issue has stopped me dead in my tracks and unable to move forward with my forms process. I have the Approve and Reject buttons selected in my user task but only the submit button displays.

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replied on March 21, 2016

Can you upload your process xml file or screenshots of user task configurations so we can further investigate into this issue?

And is there any custom JavaScript in your form?

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replied on March 22, 2016


I do not have any custom javascript in form. Please see user task config  below.

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replied on March 23, 2016

So I figured out the problem for my process.

My start event is a message start event which has a submit button label to actually start the process which i labeled 'Submit' instead of Start, so technically my user task was fine, it was displaying the same form which was really the start button. As soon as i changed it everything worked great.

Willie, Check your start event in your process modeler and ensure it doesn't have the label as Submit like mine below.

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replied on December 4, 2018


Would you mind explaining your last post again? New(-ish) LF user here.  I was following the conversation, but got lost on that last post.  Thanks!

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