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Feature request: ability to set radio buttons and checkboxes via lookup

posted on February 25, 2016

We have a lot of forms where we perform lookups and need to automatically select radio button options or checkboxes based on the lookup result. The way we currently handle it is via a fair amount of JavaScript that serializes/unserializes the user's choices and stores the values in a hidden field, which each every radio button and checkbox field on the form has to have if it is lookup-able.

This is such a common function that we have it as part of our boilerplate.js, which we include on all projects. So I wanted to submit it as a feature request. It would be great if the Lookup Rules section had logic like "Check <checkbox option 1> if <database value> equals X".

42 0
replied on July 26, 2021

any updates on this feature?

2 0
replied on October 27, 2020

yes +1 for set radio selection support with Laserfiche Forms (on premise) lookups!

2 0
replied on March 5, 2019

20 upvotes. When will this feature be added?

5 0
replied on March 5, 2019

We are currently implementing this feature in Forms in the Process Automation platform on cloud. Since lookups will function differently in on-premises Forms and Forms within process automation, we'll need to determine the best way to bring this feature to on-premises customers. 

0 0
replied on March 6, 2019

Wait there will be differences between the on-premise instances vs. cloud instances ? Which one is the LF team more focused towards going the road ? LF Roadmap is more cloud focused or on-premise ?

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replied on March 6, 2019

When it comes to lookups, on-premises Forms can connect to external data sources and use those to query against.

Currently, cloud Forms (the standalone application) cannot do any lookups.

We will soon release forms features in the Process Automation platform to cloud where lookups will be possible against data sources also stored in cloud. On initial release to cloud, forms within Process Automation will be able to run lookups against business entities (a cloud data store), decision tables and formulas. We will expand the capabilities to include running a lookup against an external database in a later release. When I said "lookups function differently on cloud", this is what I was referring to. 

As to your second question, Laserfiche is focused on delivering both cloud and on-premises products. Some products, like the web client, already use essentially the same release build for both cloud and on-premises releases. Forms is a bit trickier. Our long term goal is making all the Forms features available as part of the unified Process Automation suite. Step 1 of that goal is releasing the platform in cloud first, then bringing that solution to our on-premises customers. Once that goal is achieved, we will be able to iterate and release frequently on cloud, then roll up those releases into packages for on-premises customers. 

So while the long term goal is Forms features as part of the Process Automation platform for both cloud and on-premises customers, we will continue to actively work on and release versions on our current on-premises software with new features and enhancements. 

0 0
replied on March 27, 2018

We have heard this request quite often and have it as a high priority on our list. Thanks for the requests. 

2 1
replied on March 27, 2018

Thanks Jared, but I'd like to express disappointment that it didn't make it into 10.3.1. It has been two years and the post has 15 upvotes, not to mention all the related posts... is there a "trick" to making sure feature requests make it into the product in a shorter timeframe?

2 0
replied on March 28, 2018

As with all feature requests, there are a lot of factors that determine which features are worked on and when. Seeing active users post about them on Answers and getting traction from other users is definitely noticed and used in our prioritization evaluation. In fact, a big reason we implemented the ability to disable lookups and retain lookups through process migration in Forms 10.3.1 was largely a result of it being requested and up-voted in Answers. This feature request to use lookups to select radio button, checkbox or list options is something we understand is a very high priority to our users and is something we are currently actively working on.

0 1
replied on March 28, 2018

That doesn't answer my question, but thanks anyway.

1 0
replied on November 7, 2022

Hello Jared,

Has the lookups for radio buttons been included with on-premises Forms 11?  Thanks!

3 0

Discussion 2

Would be handy

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