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Laserfiche Connector - Publishing profile to other workstations

asked on February 3, 2016 Show version history

We have LF Connector installed on one machine and have created a working Profile. We now need to get that profile onto a bunch of other workstations. On the Laserfiche website, it clearly says that the profiles are stored on the server and then pushed out to each workstation using Laserfiche Connector.


That information is at the bottom of this page:


However, in talking to our VAR, they are stating that the only way to actually do this is to manually copy the xml file to each machine that needs it. There seems to be an automatic deployment script too but that seems to be in contrast to the simplicity that is implied on the "What you need to know about Laserfiche Connector" web page.

Are we missing something here?

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replied on February 3, 2016 Show version history

That information on the page you listed is incorrect, there's no link between Connector and the Laserfiche Server in this way. Thank you for reporting that, I will follow up with the author. You are absolutely correct, you need to push out the xml's to the individual workstations - this can be done in an automated fashion, but since it's a bit unwieldy we've added the ability to load profiles from a specified custom location like a network folder in the upcoming Laserfiche Connector 10, due for release in the next month or two. That way the indiviudal workstations can be set up to pull from that location and you only need to update the profiles there. 

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replied on February 3, 2016

Thank you for the quick reply Justin. Part of our purchase decision was due in part to the information on that web page since we wanted a tool that would not require IT involvement to manage individual workstations. Others may be in the same situation so removal of the misleading web page content would be good.

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replied on February 3, 2016

Definitely understood, which is why we're adding the ability to pull from a custom network location! You'll be able to set that location as a msi parameter during installation, so it can be pushed out along with the Connector runtime installation itself without additional client-side modifications. 

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replied on May 18, 2016 Show version history

Sorry - this may have been pilot error - looks like I don't have the right to write to the custom profile file - Please disregard.  Thanks


I have installed LF Connector 10 - the latest version onto a PC.  I have created a couple of profiles locally that I'd like to move up to the server.  I have copied the XML file so the server in a folder called LF Connector Profiles.


 On the Options page from the connector's configuration page I typed in the location of the LF Connector Profiles folder.


When I click OK I get the following error message:

Am I doing this incorrectly?  It appears to be trying to find the folder locally.  I gave everyone on the network R/W to the entire LF Connector Profiles folder.



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replied on May 18, 2016

Glad to hear you got it working, Sandy!

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replied on June 10, 2016

We have LF Connector profiles on a network drive but now the customer wants to move them to a different location.  Is there a way to point all workstations to the new profile location without having to touch every screen?


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replied on June 10, 2016

The custom profile location is stored in an xml file 'CustomProfileLocation.xml' located in the Connector installation directory, so you have two bulk update options. 1) You can update that on one machine to get a new copy of the xml and then push that out to all machine. 2) Alternatively, you could bulk uninstall/reinstall the runtime with the new location specified for the CUSTOMPROFILELOCATION paramater (as described here: 

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replied on March 3, 2017

Hi Sandy,


How did you resolve this? I have the same issue and the everyone group has full control over the XML files?



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replied on August 14, 2018

I am having the same issue. I made sure both user's are admin on their machine just so that I could change the xml file and it still says access denied. I have not had any issues with any of my other users when changing the location of the profiles built for all to use. 

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