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Dates saved to SQL from a "For each Row"

asked on January 28, 2016 Show version history

I have a timesheet form that collects the date, some tasks and details, each row in the table is a new time entry , can be for a different date or multiple entries for one day.

My workflow has a "For each row" with an insert data to save the rows to SQL, but the date always come through empty.

I have seen somewhere previous posts that say that  dates in "for each rows" dont work.

Does anyone have a work around , i would have thought this would have been fixed with the new version 10

I have set the date format in SQL as a varchar, as the "date" format fills it as "1900.01.01".

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replied on January 29, 2016

Could you post the properties for the Insert Data activities? Do you get any errors or warnings when this workflow runs?

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replied on February 1, 2016

No errors or warnings in the workflow, the workflow completes, the retrieve field vales does show that the dates are retrieved from the form, and i can insert the "retrieve laserfiche forms content" for the first date of the first line , but if i change the insert to the "for each row" value for the date, it inserts a blank in the DB. 

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replied on February 1, 2016

I have sucessfully managed to insert a "for each row " date value into sql with only minor issues

i changed the date format in the form to (dd/mmm/yyyy) it was (dd/mm/yyyy) the date then saves to sql in the US format mm/dd/yyyy, not perfect but i will take that.


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