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Excel file to laserfiche issue on a user ?

asked on January 28, 2016 Show version history

I have a user who is on the same user as the group , every user can edit and save changes to an Excel spreadsheet file already in Laserfiche except a user who has the same login info

Excel file opens as read only and not able to save, check the group permissions and still not working. the user is the login LF 9.2 and everyone but that profile on that computer is able to save and edit except for that user locally    

Example: to login the User has a profile as user  

she is not able to edit on that computer only, have tried login in with admin did not work but tried opening the file on another pc and worked.

Any idea to what can be the case ?

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replied on January 28, 2016

If the affected user can log into Windows on a different PC and access the document correctly, then I suspect that there may be a local copy still present in the user's temp directory on the original problem PC. Check in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp for a folder that's named as the name of the document followed by its entry id. Inside that folder may contain a local copy of the document that the user is actually opening, rather than the actual copy of the document that's saved in the repository.

If that's the case, then I'd first backup that file and then just delete it and its parent folder from the Temp directory. See if that addresses the matter.

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replied on January 28, 2016

Thank you for the help I backup file and delete and then reinsert it on the temp directory and attached to her local and was working.

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