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JavaScript to make a word in a field question red and bold.

asked on January 26, 2016

I am looking to change a word in a question to be bolded and red. Can that be done? How would the JavaScript look for that?


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replied on January 26, 2016

To expound on Tommy's answer, you can just put html in the label itself to make just the "All" word bold and red. Screenshots:

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replied on January 26, 2016

This worked perfect, thanks!

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replied on January 26, 2016

you don't need java for that, you can use CSS to accomplish this with the following code:


Code to use:

#replacewithyourID .cf-label {font-weight: 900; color: red;}


Just replace the #replacewithyourID with the desired ID.  To find it, its under the CSS/Java tab





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replied on January 26, 2016

And is there a way to specify a single word? For example, if you wanted to just change "Request" in your example q1 and leave everything else normal?

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