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Folders being created in Workflow folder

asked on January 20, 2016

I have some folders that are getting created on the server in the workflow folder. Looking to understand what they are and how to prevent them from creating. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong as I work with workflows? (The ones numbered 1-25 are the ones being auto created.)

Each folder has this file in it.



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replied on January 20, 2016

No, every time workflow needs to write temporary data to disk, it will use those folders. They'll be re-created as needed if you delete them, but it's best if you leave them alone. Temporary data is removed from them as the activity that created it completes.

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replied on January 20, 2016

This is normal. They're temporary folders for each workflow rule.

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replied on January 20, 2016

So I can delete them?

So every time I create a rule this folder gets created and then this folder and file are not needed again?


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replied on January 20, 2016

No, every time workflow needs to write temporary data to disk, it will use those folders. They'll be re-created as needed if you delete them, but it's best if you leave them alone. Temporary data is removed from them as the activity that created it completes.

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