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Running YTD total on form

asked on January 5, 2016 Show version history

Client wants to add a running YTD total box on the current form that I built for them.

Right now the form takes the # boxes/bin and multiplies it by the lbs/box and gives a subtotal with Javascript.

Once the employee inputs all the information for the day, I have Javascript that takes all the subtotals and outputs a Daily total.

Now, the client wants a field that shows the YTD total on the form.


How should I go about doing this?


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replied on January 6, 2016

I would create a small external table which stores the current Year to Date total, which can then be updated every time a form is submitted (Using workflow). This year to date total can be added to your daily total (Using Javascript) to display updated YTD total on your form. If you have Laserfiche 10, it may be easier to achieve this.

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