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Radio Button "Other" option input box function as multi-line

asked on December 22, 2015

Hi all,


I am trying to figure out how to make the input box for the "other" option on radio buttons to function as a multi-line field.  Right now, I made the input box taller but the line for text only shows in the middle of the box as shown in the image. Does anyone know how to do this?

Radio Button1.JPG
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replied on December 22, 2015

Hi Dane,

I don't think you can simply modify the existing "Other box" to be multi line as this requires a different HTML tag.

However to get around this you could remove the tick box "Add an 'other' choice" and manually add "Other" to the list of radio buttons. Then underneath your radio buttons have a multi-line input and use field rules to only show it when the "Other" radio button is selected.

I hope this helps!


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replied on December 22, 2015

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replied on December 22, 2015

Thank you! That was the other thought that I was thinking of going with.

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