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Forms Tokens not working correctly

asked on December 15, 2015 Show version history

I am having trouble with workflow using forms tokens when sending an email. I am new to using workflow, so it is very possible that I am doing something incorrectly. Here is my current workflow (I understand that there may be more efficient ways to construct this but currently I am only interested in getting the email function to work correctly):

I have the following layout for the highlighted email:

This is the email I receive from that function:

It is correctly pulling information from the template, but it is not pulling any information from the form. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


Grady Nelson

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replied on December 15, 2015

Take a look at the instance details in the Workflow Designer and see if you had any errors reading the data from Forms.

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replied on December 15, 2015

I am getting the following warning: This workflow does not appear to be started by Forms. The Forms instance id was not specified or was empty.

I have the start condition to be when it arrives into a designated folder. Should I be going about this a different way?

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replied on December 15, 2015 Show version history

To have Forms kick off the Workflow you need to add a Service Task to the Process Modeler in the Forms Process Modeler for that process. Then set the type to Laserfiche Workflow. The name of the Workflow must match the actual name of the Laserfiche workflow you want to start. That will pass the information from the Forms instance to Workflow.

Then in Workflow you can get rid of the first activity you have. Then in the second activity where you are retrieving field values from Forms, select the variables or field values that you wish to have access to within Workflow. Since Forms itself kicks off the workflow, you do not need any starting events configured and also do not need to save the document to the repository.

If you need the document in the repository to store, than what I mentioned above will not work and instead you will want to pass the values from the Forms instance to field values in a template so they are accessible from your first activity. Then you can delete the activity you are retrieving values from Forms with.

I hope that makes sense.

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