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Table Column 'Read Only'

asked on December 14, 2015 Show version history

I have the table below in one of my forms. For all columns apart from the 'Validity' column, participants must complete the rest of the table themselves.


I would like the information in the 'Validity' column to be input by me and made 'read only'. Is it possible to do what I want? If not any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.





Validity Table Column.JPG
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replied on December 14, 2015

Is this something that will be filled out on another form later on in the process? If so, just mark the field "read-only" in the properties of the field in Forms, and in the form you need to fill out, check off the read-only flag. It really depends on what part of the process you are needing to fill out this information.

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replied on December 14, 2015 Show version history

Hi Chris,


Perhaps I didn't  explain myself properly. I basically, as in the picture of my Form at the moment, have a table with Row and Columns. I have rows for my table attached, I am wondering if I can insert a second set of rows? See Row 1 which is standard with the table feature in Forms and see where I would like to have the same number of cells for Row 2 alongside Row 1.


I hope this clears up what I am looking for.

Second Set of Rows within a Table..JPG
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replied on December 14, 2015

This is totally different than the question you asked on the post. Still a little confused as to whether you are trying to add a Column or Row. From the picture, looks like you are wanting to add a Column. Is this something you are trying to do after the form is loaded, or from a user pressing a button? Can you give me a little more explanation as to what functionality you are after?

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replied on December 15, 2015

OK, I will try again to explain myself.

Please see attached a screen shot of a word document. 

Table one is the only way at the moment I can see a Laserfiche Forms table can be set out. Columns to be read and Rows to be read and then within (in orange) the information to be filled in by the participant. 


Table two is how I would like my table to look with an entire column (in grey) having information added by myself that can go in the middle of the table or like how I have showed above.


This may be a totally different explanation to my previous points but it is difficult to explain something you are struggling to carry out.

Word Table.JPG
Word Table.JPG (57.79 KB)
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replied on December 15, 2015

Please see the example below. Give the validity field in your table a CSS class name like readonly. Next, go to the CSS and JavaScript page in Forms to find out the ID of that field. Here, you'll see the ID is 6.

Then add the following JavaScript

$(document).ready(function () {
  $('.readonly input').attr('readonly', true);
  $('[name="Field6(4)"]').val("Maybe Not");
  $('[name="Field6(8)"]').val("Maybe Not");


You would use your own values, but basically, the code will make that field read only (it's important to do this with JavaScript and not in the form designer UI) and will assign specific values to it.

The result would be

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replied on December 14, 2015

You can choose to display different columns in different form for the same table variable.

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