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Agenda Manager - Template Formatting Changes not coming through in Prepared Agenda

asked on December 9, 2015

A client is running Agenda Manager  When they make changes in the Word Template to the formatting of the Title or Section content controls, those changes are not taking effect when the Agenda is prepared.

We have tried multiple ways of formatting the text and tag, and have saved the changes to the AM Server, closed Word, and re-opened, but they text is still being merged with incorrect formatting (text size and color).

When we go back into the Meeting Template, the text is still formatted correctly, it's just in the "Prepared" Agenda that it's wrong.

What can be done to resolve this issue?  

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replied on December 9, 2015 Show version history

Hello Jessica,

Just want to clarify: these are new agenda being prepared after making the changes? If it's an existing agenda you will have to re-prepare it after re-formatting the template.

Also, yesterday Agenda Manager service pack 2 was announced; if possible, could you try upgrading to the latest version and see if that resolves your issue? I am currently on SP 2 and formatting tag and title text works fine. (changed font family, style, size, and color, as well as paragraph spacing)

Hope this helps!

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