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right justified text within a table

asked on December 7, 2015 Show version history

I am looking to right justified texts within a table.  Can this be done with CSS or Java?


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replied on December 7, 2015 Show version history

Are you looking to right justify all text within all tables?


copy/paste this into CSS:


td input {margin:auto; text-align:right; }


If you're just looking to right justify certain cells, try this in the CSS field:


#q91 td input {margin:auto; text-align:right;}


let me know if you have any questions, but that should hopefully work.

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replied on December 7, 2015

Thanks for the suggestion David,  I had to modify the code a little to make it work for my specific table.


.table1 input {text-align:right;}


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replied on December 7, 2015

Ah okay. Well glad you got it working!

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replied on September 10, 2016

This works with the form is being filled out but reverts back to the left when the form has been submitted and is being shown for final review.

How do you make it remain right justified?

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replied on July 19, 2018

Is there a solution for this issue? I'd like to keep the right alignment I have in my fields, but upon saving to the repository (in PDF or TIFF) they revert to left aligned.



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replied on October 1, 2021

I'm having the same issue here. After submission the input defaults back to left alignment. It's pretty strange. Is there any solution to this?


Thank you!

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