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How to configure new " Update Word Document" feature in Workflow

asked on November 24, 2015

We have an student enrollment process that starts with a Laserfiche form being completed (Enrollment Application Form), once this application has been approved (part of the workflow below) we are wanting to use the new "Update Word Doc" activity to update a template word document and email the resulting PDF to the new student. We have configured our approval workflow however cant work out how to get the "Update Word Doc" activity to work, the resulting file cannot be attached to an email for some reason and we cannot work out how to save the file produced to the student folder in Laserfiche. 

Attached is a copy of our workflow - do we need to add some other activities to achieve the desired result? 

Student- Approval.png
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replied on November 26, 2015

Ok Ian,


I make it work

I created a new entry, I modify the Template word document from Inside the workflow server and save the result with the attach electronic document activity.


So you can read in the update vord activity description, the document is saved for further use by worflow activity. that means you need to use an activity that will use that update activity.. so I use the attach electronic doc activity after the update and it works for me.

See my screen shots





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replied on November 25, 2015

Correction you need to add the  2 activities, the first one is "create entry" and the second is "attach electronic document", the second activity will add to your new created entry an electronic document ( copy of your word template). And from there you will be able to use that entry to update the word document and send it by email

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replied on November 25, 2015 Show version history

Thanks for your help Rene, i  incorporated your suggestions into the workflow , but the Update word doc function doesn't seem to be updating the word doc and there is an option to convert to a PDF, which just seems to write xml connection string data out to the PDF .

Your suggestion of creating an electronic document does create a doc, but just the Update Word doc mail merge doesnt work. 

Any suggestions anyone. 

activity doc.JPG
output doc.JPG
Capture2.JPG (20.62 KB)
activity doc.JPG (52.89 KB)
output doc.JPG (25.49 KB)
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replied on January 29, 2018 Show version history

The activity attach electronic document must be put after the activity update word

If you use an existing word document you have to use Download electronic document before the word document and use attach electronic document after the word activity

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replied on February 8, 2016

Thanks Rene.  Your posted helped me figure out how to activate this function!

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replied on February 8, 2016

Welcome Franz

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replied on May 2, 2016

Me to for PDF word conversion after editing word file.

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replied on November 25, 2015

Well I have not played with this new feature yet, but just thinking. Did you make your entry file the word Template? when you do the update word doc activity, did you choose the good entry to do the modification, maybe your entry is not the word Template but the forms save file?


means you seem to do a search for a document in the student folder, but I did not see any find entry to look for the word Template that you want to modify. So you need to find the word Template and use that find entry as the source of your update word doc activity and also use it in the email4 activity as the source entry to send it by email.



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replied on November 26, 2015



your source activity in the update word document should be the create entry.

I will try it on my side and let you know if I can make it work

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replied on November 26, 2015 Show version history

I did some test, and I did not see any update from my document, and even if I use a direct attachment from the server, I do not see where it saves the new word modified documents.


It does not work. Do we need to have office installed on the workflow server?

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replied on November 26, 2015

That worked great Rene, thank you for your assitance


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replied on November 30, 2015


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replied on March 22, 2016

Thanks for your work guys  My workflow is up and running.

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