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Find Activity not Returning Document Template Name

asked on November 13, 2015


Find Activity does not return document template name unless specified in «Additional Properties»...

Workflow definition:


Workflow execution:

Token values:

note: Workflow 9.2

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replied on November 13, 2015

Sorry, you said "unless specified in Additional Properties", so it sounded like it worked as expected. But I looked at it anyway. %(Findentry_outputentry_templatename) is generated when you choose the template name in Additional Properties. %(Findentry_template name) only has a value if you specify fields to be retrieved as well (sort of as a bonus token when the user chooses to retrieve fields but not the template name).

The fact that the token is advertised as a valid token when you are not retrieving fields is a bug.

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replied on November 13, 2015

Sorry Miruna for my mealeading wording. So I understand this bug will be fixed shortly.

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replied on November 13, 2015

Sorry Miruna for my mealeading wording. So I understand this bug will be fixed shortly.

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replied on November 13, 2015

I'm not sure I understand the have to specify which additional properties to be returned.

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replied on November 13, 2015


"Template Name" as per first image.

As you can see in last image, first token is empty whereas it should have the same value as the second's

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