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make a field required when another field is not empty

asked on November 2, 2015 Show version history

On the following form, I would like to make the qty for each line a required field only when there is something typed in the Description field for that line.



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replied on November 2, 2015

You can use javascript like below:

$(document).ready(function () {
  $('.cf-table-block').on('blur', 'input', checkdesc);
  function checkdesc() {
    $('.cf-table-block tbody tr').each(function () {
      if ($(this).find('.description input').val() != "") {
        $(this).find('.quantity input').attr('required', true);
      } else {
        $(this).find('.quantity input').attr('required', false);


For the description column, give it the CSS class name, description. For the Qty column, give it the CSS class name quantity.

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replied on November 3, 2015

Thank you...Worked perfect.


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