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Log in failed because the number of sessions has reached the licesed limit

asked on October 13, 2015

Hello Everyone,

I tried to log in on Laserfiche Client and I am having this error :

Log in failed beacuse the number of sessions has reached the licensed limit or the user account has reached its session limit....


Can anyone help me please.

Please note that I entered the correct username and password





log in failed.png
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replied on October 13, 2015

Hi thank you for your answers guys will check this out. The license that I have had expired by the way.





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replied on October 13, 2015

Are you on Team/United (Concurrent) licensing or Avante/Rio (Named) licensing?


If Team/United, do you have any available full or read only licenses?  If you are trying to use read only, is the checkbox checked in the User (or group) profile properties?


If Avante/Rio, have you assigned a named license to the user?  Are you using one license per user or machine?

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replied on October 13, 2015

are you using Laserfiche Accounts or Windows Active Directory Accounts?



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replied on October 13, 2015

Please verify in the Laserfiche Administration Console for the specific licensing. You do not need to log into the Administration Console to check your licensing. I would check your license on the server. You may have to relicense the server. I have seen this before if there is a hardware change or a corrupted license file.

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