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Laserfiche CPP Gold Certification

posted on October 6, 2015 Show version history

Hi LaserFiche Users

Take a look at the attached screenshots from Laserfiche website:



So the discussion is to know if you (especially those going after CPP Gold Certification) have the same conception that I had that CPP Gold Certification is an actual certification (just like the one you get if you pass a CPP exam) and not just a badge that you can use in your emails and can be seen in your LaserFiche Answer Profile.


I want to highlight the fact that the 7 core courses [that in total known as CPP Gold Certification] are essential to every administrator regardless if there is an issued certificate or not.

So these are my thoughts and I am interested to hear yours:

1- LaserFiche eLearning provided misleading information regarding the Gold Certificate as it is not an issued certificate.

2- It does not sound right to use the Gold Certificate badge in email without issued certificate to back it up.

3- There should be an issued certificate instead of just the badge.

what do you LaserFiche Users think?

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replied on October 6, 2015

I personally don't think it was misleading at all. It is very similar to Microsoft certifications. For example, you take a number of certification exams to receive your MCSA and then another set of certification exams to receive your MCSE. To my knowledge Microsoft does not send a certificate for the MCSA or MCSE, but just the exams themselves.

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replied on October 6, 2015

Hi Blake Smith,

Not sure about new Microsoft Certificates as I stopped on the first one long time ago MCP, but I googled mcsa certificate image and found plenty of issued certificates.

Just to note it was not easy process to get MCP certificate, as I had to contact Microsoft as I just received passing the exam certificate, then they send me MCP certificate, so if you know someone didn't get his certificate let him contact Microsoft.

I thought I needed to do the same with Laserfiche as I didn't get an automatic email, they send me an email badge, it didn't even add points to my reputation sad

It does not matter much but It feel good to add more certificates to your resume ...


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replied on October 6, 2015

Our CPP team is aware of this thread and will take your feedback into account in the revamp of the certification program.

Your Gold certification is reflected in your Answers profile. In the near future, Answers display badges next to the user's name in posts in order to make achievements more prominent.

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replied on October 7, 2015

I might have misunderstood but I think what LF do is fine. I show the gold logo on my email and mention it in CVs. I treat Gold as a certification in its own right. even though it didn't come with a printed certificate... In fact, I tend to throw my printed certificates away (not just LF certs) because I easily lose bits of paper and everything is available to be reprinted or retrieved as an electronic transcript.


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