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The requested portion of the document does not exist

asked on October 2, 2015

We are receiving the following error after moving Laserfiche data to another drive. We have updated the path in the admin console. Some documents are working, and some are not? Does anyone know why?


The requested portion of the document does not exist [9003]

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replied on October 2, 2015

You typically get this error when the server expects a particular file (like the tiff for a page) to exist at a location but it's not there.  Either the server is looking in the wrong place, or your move operation missed some files.  It's unlikely that the Laserfiche server is looking in the old volume location, but you might try restarting the service just to be sure.  The next step would be pinning down a file that appears to be missing and seeing if it's there.  If you find a problematic document, Properties | Page Info will give you the relative volume paths of where those files should be.  You can look at that location on the file system and see if the file is indeed there or not.  I think you would get a different error if the file is there but the LFS service account doesn't have permission to read it, but that's something else to verify.

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replied on March 14, 2018

Did y'all move the volumes to a new Drive? 

We had a customer who had the same issue and they moved the volume from drive E to G. They did changed the fixed path in the admin console but the database still had it looking in Drive E. After I changed that in SQL it worked fine.

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replied on September 4, 2018

we are having the same problem, after moving the volume, some files are opening correctly, and some showing the same error.
i cheeked my volume path in the admin console. but i have no idea how can i change that in sql.
could you please give us more details.
thanks in advance

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replied on January 7, 2019

Did you get an update on this?

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replied on January 7, 2019

With Laserfiche, you have physical volumes and logical volumes.  If your Volume is a rollover, then it is a logical volume and will have 1 or more physical volumes inside of it.  Just changing the path path on the logical volume will not change the path on any of its contained physical volumes.  Make sure that you expand the logical volume node to get to the contained physical volume nodes and change the path for each contained node as well.

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