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license manager error

asked on September 30, 2015

A customer is getting this error - System.ServiceModel.FaultException1[Laserfiche.LicenseManager.LMFault]: Timeout expired. (screen print attached).

At the same time they have had images missing when storing documents.

This may be a support question, but just wanted to check if anyone has seen this error in RIO before.

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replied on September 30, 2015

It appears you're reporting two separate issues. In any case, you may want to try restarting the SQL Server service and then the Laserfiche Directory Server service followed by the Laserfiche Server service for good measure.

If there's still an issue, you may want to open a support case so more details can be collected.

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replied on October 1, 2015

Yes, there is reason to suspect the Quickfields issue is related to the other error.

Customer is 24x7 operation.  I will recommend downtime to restart servers.

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